JK Theatre Mission

Theatre Mission

We live in a world where everything seems to be allowed. Virtual space and media manipulations have gained a crazy pace. They often take control over our choices and thoughts. With determination we try to remain independent on many levels of personal, social and political life. We try to stay away from any pressure. But it’s rarely successful. Understanding reality, distinguishing truth from artificiality is becoming more difficult and our world gets more and more complicated. We are looking for sublime things but due to the threats and problems that surround us we focus more often only on ourselves. We say that we have no influence on many issues, and since we do not have it, it is better to postpone them to the background. And so we give in to the inertia of the modern world. It is hard to admit it but we feel internally ashamed of our passivity.

We live in a world where everything seems to be allowed. Virtual space and media manipulations have gained a crazy pace. They often take control over our choices and thoughts. With determination we try to remain independent on many levels of personal, social and political life. We try to stay away from any pressure. But it’s rarely successful. Understanding reality, distinguishing truth from artificiality is becoming more difficult and our world gets more and more complicated. We are looking for sublime things but due to the threats and problems that surround us we focus more often only on ourselves. We say that we have no influence on many issues, and since we do not have it, it is better to postpone them to the background. And so we give in to the inertia of the modern world. It is hard to admit it but we feel internally ashamed of our passivity.




We want JK Opole Theatre to become a place of our common research free from short-term political trends, open to artistic development and cooperation with institutions in Poland and abroad. As a professional repertoire theatre, looking for new forms of communication, we want to support young artists and new drama with full responsibility but also with artistic risk. We want to develop and promote the achievements of Polish theatre culture in the country and abroad. We will deal with unobvious and uncomfortable topics that until now remained hidden or not mentioned. Above all, however, we strive to make our theatre a place that will have an impact on the quality of life in intellectual and spiritual terms.

Let's abandon our safe and well-known comfort zones. Let's broaden our visual field instead of narrowing it. Let's experience more intensively and with greater understanding. Let us not give up passively but react critically. Let's try to look at the world from different perspectives, change our long-held viewpoint to see for a moment the reality through eyes of people representing different values. Let's try to see today's world in its complexity.

Do you ever look at a stranger with a deep conviction that there’s nothing you could share? We will not prove to anyone the opposite but let us look at the world through eyes of the other person.

We hope that our theatre will become a glass lens positioned in different places at different anglea to create the widest possible picture of reality.

Our program named  ‘point of view - different perspectives’ is the main axis of the planned activity and sets the current program direction of Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole.

Norbert Rakowski



We want JK Opole Theater to become a place of our common research free from short-term political trends, open to artistic development and cooperation with institutions in Poland and abroad. As a professional repertoire theater, looking for new forms of communication, we want to support young artists and new drama with full responsibility but also with artistic risk. We want to develop and promote the achievements of Polish theater culture in the country and abroad. We will deal with unobvious and uncomfortable topics that until now remained hidden or not mentioned. Above all, however, we strive to make our theater a place that will have an impact on the quality of life in intellectual and spiritual terms.

Let's abandon our safe and well-known comfort zones. Let's broaden our visual field instead of narrowing it. Let's experience more intensively and with greater understanding. Let us not give up passively but react critically. Let's try to look at the world from different perspectives, change our long-held viewpoint to see for a moment the reality through eyes of people representing different values. Let's try to see today's world in its complexity.

Do you ever look at a stranger with a deep conviction that there’s nothing you could share? We will not prove to anyone the opposite but let us look at the world through eyes of the other person.

We hope that our theater will become a glass lens positioned in different places at different anglea to create the widest possible picture of reality.

Our program named  ‘point of view - different perspectives’ is the main axis of the planned activity and sets the current program direction of Jan Kochanowski Theater in Opole.

Norbert Rakowski



We want JK Opole Theater to become a place of our common research free from short-term political trends, open to artistic development and cooperation with institutions in Poland and abroad. As a professional repertoire theater, looking for new forms of communication, we want to support young artists and new drama with full responsibility but also with artistic risk. We want to develop and promote the achievements of Polish theater culture in the country and abroad. We will deal with unobvious and uncomfortable topics that until now remained hidden or not mentioned. Above all, however, we strive to make our theater a place that will have an impact on the quality of life in intellectual and spiritual terms.

Let's abandon our safe and well-known comfort zones. Let's broaden our visual field instead of narrowing it. Let's experience more intensively and with greater understanding. Let us not give up passively but react critically. Let's try to look at the world from different perspectives, change our long-held viewpoint to see for a moment the reality through eyes of people representing different values. Let's try to see today's world in its complexity.

Do you ever look at a stranger with a deep conviction that there’s nothing you could share? We will not prove to anyone the opposite but let us look at the world through eyes of the other person.

We hope that our theater will become a glass lens positioned in different places at different anglea to create the widest possible picture of reality.

Our program named  ‘point of view - different perspectives’ is the main axis of the planned activity and sets the current program direction of Jan Kochanowski Theater in Opole.

Norbert Rakowski



We want JK Opole Theater to become a place of our common research free from short-term political trends, open to artistic development and cooperation with institutions in Poland and abroad. As a professional repertoire theater, looking for new forms of communication, we want to support young artists and new drama with full responsibility but also with artistic risk. We want to develop and promote the achievements of Polish theater culture in the country and abroad. We will deal with unobvious and uncomfortable topics that until now remained hidden or not mentioned. Above all, however, we strive to make our theater a place that will have an impact on the quality of life in intellectual and spiritual terms.

Let's abandon our safe and well-known comfort zones. Let's broaden our visual field instead of narrowing it. Let's experience more intensively and with greater understanding. Let us not give up passively but react critically. Let's try to look at the world from different perspectives, change our long-held viewpoint to see for a moment the reality through eyes of people representing different values. Let's try to see today's world in its complexity.

Do you ever look at a stranger with a deep conviction that there’s nothing you could share? We will not prove to anyone the opposite but let us look at the world through eyes of the other person.

We hope that our theater will become a glass lens positioned in different places at different anglea to create the widest possible picture of reality.

Our program named  ‘point of view - different perspectives’ is the main axis of the planned activity and sets the current program direction of Jan Kochanowski Theater in Opole.

Norbert Rakowski

