21st - 29th SEPTEMBER

With great joy, we invite all dance enthusiasts to the next edition of the Opole Dance Scene!
At the JK Opole Theatre, we will welcome a stunning world of choreography and music, where talented dancers from across Poland will showcase their unique skills and artistry.

From September 21st to 29th, we invite you to the JK Opole Theatre for the next edition of the Opole Dance Scene.

This event showcases the most significant contemporary dance performances from across Poland, along with an opportunity to experience international dance theatre productions. Once again, we aim to present the Opole audience with the most captivating dance and performance art pieces, featuring both emerging talents and acclaimed choreographers, artists, and performers.

Opole Dance Scene 2024 offers eight captivating performances, lectures, dance workshops, and meetings with the creators and artists.

We hope that the festival format will spark long-term interest in dance and choreography within the theatre among our audience, providing an opportunity for close engagement with the experience and insight into the creative process.

Europejskie Forum Teatralne odbędzie się w Teatrze im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu.
Organizowane jest przez Komisję Europejską.





Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund
– State Special Purpose Fund, as part of the “Dance” program, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Task subsidized by
Local Government of the Opole Voivodeship