48. Opole Theatre Confrontations Festival

"Living Classics"

21st - 26th may

The Opole Theatre Confrontations Festival are one of the most important theatre festivals in the country, celebrating 48 years of showcasing Polish classics on the stages of the JK Opole Theatre.

The festival serves as the final round of the national competition for the Staging of Old Polish Literature, “Living Classics,” organized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw.

The goal of the “Living Classics” competition is to strengthen the interest of contemporary Polish theatre creators in classical literature and to highlight its theatrical potential.

The festival showcases original, innovative performances of high artistic quality and strong social resonance. The competition was born out of the need to reconnect with these great traditions and strengthen the theatrical dialogue with history.

The Opole Theatre Confrontations, which have enjoyed great popularity for many years, provide a unique opportunity to explore outstanding theatre productions from across Poland. These performances attempt to grapple with dramas created in different historical and cultural contexts, offering a perspective on humanity that is often surprising and distinct from our own.

Europejskie Forum Teatralne odbędzie się w Teatrze im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu.
Organizowane jest przez Komisję Europejską.





The Spring Salon is an annual showcase of the achievements of the local artistic community—a competitive exhibition co-organized by the Association of Polish Visual Artists, Opole District, and the Contemporary Art Gallery in Opole. Since 2021, participation in the Spring Salon has been open to all visual artists from Opole and the surrounding region, with a nationwide jury selecting the works presented in the exhibition and the award winners.

From May 21st to 26th, participants of the 48th Opole Theatre Confrontations can enter the exhibition for free by showing their pass or ticket for a performance.

The 48th Opole Theatre Confrontations / “Living Classics,” co-organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, has been funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the budget of the Opole Voivodeship.



Silver Partner


Classic Partner

Złoty Partner OKT

Podstawowym przedmiotem działalności spółki jest wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej oraz wydobywanie węgla brunatnego. W skład PGE GiEK wchodzi 7 oddziałów zlokalizowanych na terenie 5 województw. Centrala spółki znajduje się w Bełchatowie.

PGE GiEK jest największym wytwórcą energii elektrycznej w Polsce, pokrywającym ponad 34 % zapotrzebowania na energię i dostarczającym niemal 55 tys. GWh energii elektrycznej rocznie do krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego oraz liderem w branży wydobywczej węgla brunatnego (jej udział w krajowym rynku wydobywczym tego surowca wynosi ok. 84%).

W 2022 roku Oddziały PGE GiEK (tj. El. Bełchatów, El. Turów, El. Opole, El. Rybnik oraz El. Dolna Odra) dostarczyły na rynki lokalne 3,2 mln GJ ciepła.

Oddziały PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna:

• Elektrownia Bełchatów
• Elektrownia Turów
• Elektrownia Opole
• Elektrownia Rybnik
• Elektrownia Dolna Odra
• Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Bełchatów
• Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Turów