In 1991, upon receiving the degree of Doctor honoris causa of the University of Wrocław, Jerzy Grotowski said, among others:
“I know where the commercialisation of art begins; it is about protecting the masters. And the argument will always be the same: Don’t worry, we’ll be the ones to protect the masters – we’ll ensure they have proper conditions.”
Opole can boast having Jerzy Grotowski work here before he became a master. It is here that, in 1959-1964, he laid down the foundations for its Laboratory Theatre. The conditions were difficult, and we could probably hardly say he found protection here. Nevertheless, he had a workshop, time and the basic means to do what he had planned in order to carry out his work in a long-term perspective. Today, the protection of young artists undertaking their experiments is still necessary; nowadays, it is, perhaps, even truer than at the time Grotowski said it.
JK Opole Theatre would like to create and continuously develop the place that would be the fulfilment of Grotowski’s argument: laying down the foundations for experiments in the field of drama. The place would also remind about of his achievements and become a meeting place for people and ensembles associated with his tradition. This is what we would like Modelatornia to become: a place in our Theatre dedicated to long-term innovative projects focusing on all aspects of the stage language, playwriting and possibilities of staging contemporary and classical Polish texts.
We engage gladly in cooperation with partners from other countries and conduct this cooperation on various levels. We are open to co-production, exchange of plays and every other type of cooperation as Modelatornia is intended mainly for experimental projects, allows for any layout of audience seats and has an original, industrial design.