


Looking for a new platform to fulfil the statutory role of theatre, and also being aware of the challenging situation many (especially young) artists found themselves in, we created an open call for projects focusing on the theme "metamorphosis". 
Due to the character of the competition and the lack of access to the theatre stage, we look for projects from such areas as video art, video performance, sound art, net art, VR, AR and other forms designed for online channels of communication. 

Szukając nowej płaszczyzny do spełnienia statutowej roli teatru, a także mając świadomość w jak ciężkiej sytuacji znalazło się wielu (szczególnie młodych) artystów, ogłaszamy otwarty nabór na projekty dookoła hasła „metamorfoza”. Liczymy na projekty, które będą nie tylko atrakcyjne dla widza online, ale odpowiedzą również na wyzwania nowej rzeczywistości. Ze względu na specyfikę konkursu i brak dostępu do sceny teatralnej, szukamy projektów z obszarów identyfikowanych jako video art, video performance, sound art, net art, VR, AR oraz innych form możliwych do zaprezentowania kanałami internetowymi Teatru. Rozpatrywane będą tylko nowe prace, przygotowane z uwzględnieniem wymogów konkursu.

Modelatornia Competition aims to support artists in a difficult moment of a pandemic, creating conditions for creative involvement in the fight against the economic and social consequences of COVID-19.
JK Theatre in Opole will incorporate online activities into future projects around Modelatornia stage. After the isolation and renovation of the Theater, we will open our experimental stage to performances by independent companies. They will receive not only support from the Theater's technical and promotion departments but also the revenue from ticket sales.


Through the competition, we want to show how important it is to support independent initiatives, which are often denied institutional support. We believe that this proposal will also be a challenge for independent companies to professionalize and expand the scope of a formal and thematic experiment in their work. Stay tuned for more details coming this autumn.

Chcemy pokazać jak ważne jest wspieranie inicjatyw niezależnych, które często są wyrzucone poza środki instytucjonalnego wsparcia. Wierzymy, że propozycja ta będzie też wyzwaniem dla niezależnej sceny do profesjonalizowania swoich działań i poszerzania pola eksperymentu formalnego i tematycznego. Więcej szczegółów opublikujemy jesienią bieżącego roku.

Konkurs skierowany dla twórców teatralnych w wieku 25 - 35 lat.

Pula nagród:
10 000 PLN.

Termin składania prac:
07 - 26 kwietnia 2020.



The Jury composed of Bartosz Posacki (Jury's president), Ewa Borysiewicz, Norbert Rakowski, Michał Rogulski and Aleksandra Kotapska after viewing 17 projects qualified for the Modelatornia Online Competition, decided to recognize the following works:

- „Nourishment" directed by Aleksandra Skorupa, with photos and editing by Tomasz Schaefer,

- „Breathe out tutorial" by Close with friends Collective (Agata Koszulińska, Mateusz Korsak),

- „in the home depths" directed by Filip Jaśkiewicz, with the music by Bereniki Wojnar.

Members of the Jury recognized the different takes on the subject of METAMORPHOSIS, especially the works of artists who in the time of isolation are involved in the lives of others, not focusing only on their own surroundings or internal dilemmas.
The Jury decided to grant three equivalent prizes of 3333 zł.



Justification of the verdict:
„Nourishment" The award for social sensitivity, professionalism, the in-depth and empathic study of the social microcosm, as well as resisting the urge to evaluate. The project focuses on one of the most important but also the least paid professional groups, giving it its rightful place in society. A consistent narrative, skilfully making use of a personal commitment to the documented world, allows a unique insight into the hardships and significance of the work of the Midwifery Department.

„Breath out Tutorial” The award for formal consistency, professionalism, the ability to create an intimate atmosphere using digital tools. The project maintains a balance between lightness and seriousness in treating the subject in an ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. As a result, it creates an intriguing parody of digital self-care guides.

„in the home depths” The award for ingenious formal solutions marked by simplicity and humour as well as for imagination rooted in everyday life. The project attempts to understand the world through the prism of children's sensitivity. Moreover, it is inclusive as viewers can reproduce, modify and scale it at home.




1. Discover the idea behind the competition. 



Projekt bez tytułu (8)